Technology of two color injection molding that every technician must to know!
Technology of two color injection molding that every technician must to know! Two color injection molding technology is also called double-material plastic injection molding technology, which is a technology that uses two plastic materials to mix and mold plastic products. Technical connotation is actually using a mold assembly to shape and weld molding work in the mold. Therefore fundamental principle is to plasticize two different plastic raw materials, and then use mold for welding installation, in order to achieve purpose of two shot injection molding. T wo shot injection molding technology type 1.1 Core Rotary two color injection molding t echnology This technology is also known as transfer molding core two shot injection molding technology. Technical principle is to inject the first raw material plastic by injection equipment, inject it into small hole of mold, and become the first plastic after molding. Then mold is rotated by 180...