
目前显示的是 十二月, 2021的博文

List of technical points for production, R&D and quality control of plastic toys

  List of technical points for production, R&D and quality control of plastic toys Whether it is a toy designer or a toy company, in order to truly professionally engage in toy industry, in addition to timely market-related dynamics, it is also necessary to pay attention to basic design knowledge of toys, such as plastic toy production, research and development and quality control technology. Below, for main points of production of plastic toys, HEYA MOLD one by one for you to analyze: First, production process Generally speaking, production process of plastic toys is roughly as follows: separate molding of injection molded parts, silicone parts, separate forming of hardware and PCB parts, other decorative parts of clothing, final assembly, inspection, and packaging. Molding of injection molded parts: Prepare toy moulds, pellets, toner/color masterbatch, stabilizer, plasticizer, mold release agent, etc., and generally add degraded material that is broken by injection moulding. Prop